Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Project

I finally did it. Yes, I have joined the blogging world. I think I was so hesitant to join because I don't much like talking about myself and posting it for the world to see. Ok, maybe I do on occasion like to talk about myself (who doesn't) but I guess I saw it as a waste of time. Or, maybe that my life wasn't interesting enough to blog about. I am not Julie from Julie & Julia, I am not some incredible cook, photographer, or crafter extraordinaire.
However, I have found something to blog about: the Project. So here are the parameters. Well, rather the background. So, I have been wanting this incredible book at JoAnn's for about 6 months.
It's aesthetically pleasing, it has quilt patterns in it (not to mention the pattern for softies-homemade stuffed animals) but it ALSO describes and gives the requirements for 15 different quilting charities. By the way, did I mention I love to make quilts? So, this book was PERFECT for me. It had everything I was looking for: a decorative piece (books are always the best), quilting patterns (I can't get my hands on enough of them), and opportunities to give something warm, comforting and beautiful to those in need. Finally this book went on sale and I bought it.
What do I do with this book? Well, I work my way through it and make every single quilt top, softie, and baby bib in it. 15 different charities. I am so excited! I wish I could complete all of these in about a month, but because I am a full-time Pre-Med Student and work 20 hours a week, that is not going to happen. Also, quilting is not the cheapest of hobbies unfortunately. So, this project will go as time and funds permit.
I will be posting the parameters and progress for each of the projects. I will also be posting the background and goals of the charity and where to send it to. I might along the way post other quilting/sewing projects of mine, some of which will be for sale to fund the projects (10% of profits to one of the organizations) and others for myself or whatever. That way, all of you quilters and non out there can join in the fun as well! I hope as this progresses, I will be able to bring peace to those out there that can use a little beauty, warmth and comfort.

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